
Top Rope & Lead Certification Session

Don’t have your Top Rope or Lead Climbing certification at Climb Iowa yet? Not to worry, we will be having a session before climbing starts to get you all tested out. Make sure to sign up for your test below!

schedule your test here

Rope Drills (1)


Recreational & Advanced Qualifying Session

8:00am-9:00am: Recreational & Intermediate climbers check-in & receive their scorecards at the Front Desk. Warm up in Bouldering Area or on Auto Belays

8:45am-9:00am: Rules meeting under the Lead Wall

9:00am-12:00pm: Recreational & Advanced climbers will compete alongside each other to kick off the day!

2023.01.27 Grimes Shoe Demo Tile No Date12:00pm-3:00pm

Food Truck

Before, during, or after your session come enjoy food from the INSERT FOOD TRUCK NAME HERE.

2023.01.28 Climb with Pride IG post  come on in and meet other LGBTQ+ climbers and allies.